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Carlton Smith Music 

Monetizing Music

Monetizing Music

ASCAP Payments Coming...Eventually

Michael C Smith, April 20 2020

Coronavirus has everything in chaos. Last month ASCAP sent a letter to its members stating due to the epidemic, the businesses that would normally pay to license music have been impacted. Many licensees are asking for reduced pricing or not willing to pay/buy at all. Due to this the payment schedule was pushed back three weeks from April 6th to Apr...

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Monetizing Music

How artists can profit in the COVID-19 Chaos (ethically)

Michael C Smith, March 18 2020

Photo by Spencer Imbrock During this global pandemic, there are a lot of stories about price gauging and shady actions. There is an old saying that "there is profit in chaos". People and business drop everything when there is panic. When fear and uncertainty hit those who stay grounded can find opportunity. The truth of the matter however is that...

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Monetizing Music

Credit: The "REAL" force behind your music career.

Michael C Smith, November 20 2018

The secret to success in today's music industry is that in order to make it, an artist must be an entrepreneur. The days of performing at an open mic and waiting for an A&R in shining armor to discover you are over. Today's successful artists don't view their careers passively, they view themselves as active entrepreneurs. The artist entrepreneur...

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Monetizing Music

Why Sampling isn't worth your time...unless you're sampled.

Michael C Smith, October 12 2018

Made popular in rap music and later expanding to other genres, sampling is the practice of taking a piece of existing recorded music and inserting it into a second derivative piece of music. Producers who sample may take a large recognizable section such as a chorus and insert it into their work, or very craftily "chop" the sample by rearranging di...

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Monetizing Music

Are Explicit Lyrics Limiting Your Ability To Monetize Your Music?

Michael C Smith, August 14 2018

I recently gave a speech and received a piece of advice I had to think about. A slightly over middle-aged woman approached me and mentioned that she enjoyed my speech but she would have liked it if I didn't swear. During the speech I used the term "pissed off." When I used it, I didn't think of it being that harsh of a term, but I thanked her for h...

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Monetizing Music

Three ways DIY artists can find success in the music industry

Michael C Smith, August 14 2018

Talk to many new artists and you hear a lot of the same same things. "I don't  need a record label, I don't need a manager, I don't need a publisher, I don't need a booking agent". Wait thirty minutes and you get to the crux of the matter " I don't have money, so I'm forced to find ways on my own to make it but I'm not making an impact." If this is...

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